Thursday, July 17, 2014

How to pack a muffin tin picnic

It's been so beautiful here in Kentucky over the last couple of days that the girls and I decided to have a picnic. My girls know that the first thing we need is a muffin tin!  Wait- a muffin tin?!?!  Yes! This has been a picky eater trick for toddlers for a long time- to give them small bits of colorful foods in a muffin tin. However, my good eaters still enjoy it and it is a lot easier to quickly pack up a picnic to take somewhere especially if yours has a lid that attaches like mine.
This idea is simple- pack a few things from each category below (I use whatever is on hand) and arrange them colorfully.

Apple slices
Melon balls
Raisins or craisins

Pepper slices
Cucumber slices
Celery sticks
Cherry tomatoes
Sugar snap peas

Peanut butter
Cooked and cooled beans
Cubed meats
Cheese cubes
Seeds- my kids love pumpkin seeds

Whole grains/fiber-
Cooked and cooled whole grain pasta
Pirate's Booty

Greek yogurt ranch dip (I make mine from scratch)
Peanut butter or almond butter
Vanilla yogurt (for fruit)

Again, these are just ideas! Open your fridge and see what you've got that's tiny, and be sure to pack a variety for a healthy picnic.

Note that the muffin tin is made to conduct heat, so if you let it sit directly in the sun it will get hot and so will your food.  So be sure to eat up quickly or sit unde a shade tree!  My kids have no problem gobbling up all the food in no time!

They can't resist sharing with Millie too!

Enjoy your picnic!!!

1 comment:

  1. What a great idea!! I'm kind of picky myself about my food touching....I'll have to remember this one :). Thanks for sharing!


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