So, lately I have discovered online garage sales- its like Craigslist, only more local! There are these pages on Facebook with special interests- for example, baby and kids items, car parts, etc. Some are more general. Lately I have scored the following:
5 pairs of Children's Place jeans for $10
20 brand name kids items for $20 (shirts, jackets, pants, etc.)
A bag of toddler clothes (5 pants, a dress, several shirts), all brand name plus a reversible pink wool coat for $35
SCORE!!! So my almost-3-year old is set for Fall very cheap! And this is gently used stuff, some looks brand new. I have also sold some things and gotten a lot more for them than I would have at a traditional garage sale. One lady didn't even try to bargain with me and paid $20 for a toy! Yup- $20! And another lady bought some maternity clothes for me and paid $80. Definitely more than I would have gotten at a resale shop., and cash in my pocket!
Moral of the story- if you have time, try out the Facebook garage sales! You do have to arrange to meet up with people but so far I have had success. Be smart about it, pick a very public place!
Now, onto consigning. Everyone knows the shops don't give you much and reject half you items. I am participating in a big weekend consignment sale in a couple weeks and can't wait to see how I do. I only get to keep 60% of what they sell it for, plus there is a lot of prep work- logging items into a computer program, printing and attaching tags, hanging things "just so" on a wire hanger....I am skeptical but we'll see if its worth it. I will let you know!
DO you have any garage sale-ing or consignment tips to share? Please comment below!
Also- LJ starts preschool this week so you will probably be seeing more posts out of me soon!!!
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