
Thursday, September 27, 2012

School Pictures Apron Dress

I had bought some fabric a while back to make an apron dress.  I had a vintage tea towel in my stash that I had my eye on as a perfect "apron" for the dress.  After having my second child, I discovered that sewing time was much harder to come by!  So in the sewing room the fabric sat, for at least two months.  I finally decided to make it for LJ's school photo, but then time got away from me and I didn't get to it until the NIGHT before!!!  Eek!  Well, I am surprised to say that I was able to squeeze it out in less than two hours, lined bodice and all!
She got a cookie for this pose!
back tie
buttons to close shoulders, decorative bow at waist
Using her make-up brushes on her sister, my little budding make-up artist!


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