
Monday, January 16, 2012

Pear and Parm Chop Salad Recipe

When David and I were getting ready to go to Italy on our Honeymoon, we took Italian lessons.  It was so much fun- we learned some language, culture, and a few great recipes!  One of our fellow classmates was married to an Italian chef.  I mean, Italian, as in he grew up there, not in the US.  He shared a simple recipe involving just three ingredients (sliced pears, long peels of Parmesan cheese, and a drizzle of balsamic vinegar) and it has been our favorite ever since!!!
Tonight I decided to modify it by making it into a salad.  Here is what you'll need:

-About one Romaine heart, torn into tiny pieces.
-One very ripe pear, chopped into approx. 1/2" cubes
-A block of REAL Parmesan cheese (not the stuff in a plastic can, haha!)
-The best balsamic vinegar you can afford
-High quality olive oil

Basically, you just put it all in a bowl and toss.  Be sure to grate your Parmesan for this recipe.  For the olive oil, I used about 1 TBSP and for the Balsamic about 1/2 that.  But you can do it to taste.  That goes for all ingredients really!

This is an addictive salad- It's sweet and salty and oh-so-yummy!  Great for kids too, since its got fruit in it and its chopped up already.


  1. Sounds yummy! And looks so easy to make too. Perfect combo.

  2. Oh, this is absolutely delicious! Balsamic vinegar, pear and fresh parmesan – three of my favourite flavours! I saw it and I had to have it (baby cravings; had all the ingredients on hand) and it was yum! Thanks for sharing.
    Good luck with the nursery preparations.

    1. Glad it helped your cravings, and good luck to you too with baby :) I crave it even when I'm not pregnant, haha!


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