
About Me

Hi! I'm Catherine. Let me share a little bit of who I am and what I'm all about!
My older daughter!

My baby!
 I have recently redone this page due to a large life change.  I am now a single mom!  This does not define me but it has definitely changed me and a lot of things about my life.  I thank God every day that I still get to be home with my children.  I don't take it for granted!
At the zoo!  They are besties!
 I spend my days seeking God, nurturing my children, being creative, and looking for opportunities to grow.  I have been away from this blog for about a year but that doesn't mean I haven't been sewing, cooking, or coming up with fun things to do, I've just been through a lot and had to allocate my time elsewhere!
I'm glad to be back at it and hope you enjoy the things I share!  
Sisterly love.
We make our home in Louisville, KY and have learned a lot in the past year about horse racing, Southern style, and how to find every park in town.  This is a great city!  The girls and I attend Southeast Christian Church where we have been greatly blessed to grow, learn, and be supported by our church family. 
All dressed up at Churchill Downs
Creatively I would say sewing is my greatest passion, but I love cooking and baking, any type of crafts, and crocheting.  I am usually enrolled in a Bible Study at my church, and I volunteer with Middle School students there too which is so much fun!  I love to work out and spend a lot of time at the Y with my friends working up a sweat! Its great stress relief and I have fun trying all the classes and pretending to be a runner!  I am also active in my local MOPS group and this year I am on the steering committee.  I hope this blog brings you fun and inspiration!

1 Chronicles 16:11 

Seek the Lord and his strength;

seek his presence continually!